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Helmut Lasarcyk

The key to

"One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive; the other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive."
  ~ anonymous

How to start juicing in your own home

Fresh vegetables contain all kinds of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients  in large amounts. The body is happy to get them all and shows it by being healthy. The concentration of these nutrients in juices is so high that you can never get the same amount by just eating the whole vegetable. But juices are only valuable if consumed absolutely fresh - within minutes after their production. The oxygen in the air is so aggressive that it destroys most of them in a very short time. Which already shows that juices which you buy in a store will never do. cherry juice

How do you make your own juices? It all starts with buying a good juicer. Do not buy a blender because the juice must be extracted from the vegetable by pressing. The slower the machine the better because valuable nutrients are preserved. If you want a good machine you will have to pay a few hundred euros or dollars, but it will last for decades. However, it is better to use a cheap machine than not to juice at all.

Next the quality of the vegetables is important. Organic products are much to be preferred because they will contain less pesticides and fertilizer. Some vegetables need to be peeled, others just have to be scrubbed carefully. Then they are cut and put into the juicer. The tastiest juice for beginners is carrot juice with one apple added per glass that is also juiced along, maybe even with a small piece of ginger, if you like it. This makes a wonderful drink, nutritious and delicious. A good juicer makes half a litre/quart from one kilogram of carrots.

Actually, all kinds of vegetables can be made into juice. There are lots of good hints and recipes on the internet, for example this website. One glass of juice per day is a good goal to start out from. But you can progress to juice fasting once in a while (see the above link).