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Helmut Lasarcyk

The key to

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
   ~ Hippocrates

Vegan - the healthier diet?

First the ethical implications: In Germany, everybody eats 1094 animals in his/her lifetime, other sources even speak of 150 animals each year. But rarely anybody wants to kill the animals himself/herself. And by now we know more than enough about the conditions how animals suffer while they are kept and killed. And we know that animals are sensitive beings - just as we are.veganes Essen

And there are also other good reasons for a  plant-based whole-food diet:

For vegans a special tablet is available that contains the most essential vitamins.

And a final remark: It is better to reduce eating animal-based food than to do nothing at all. Eating half as much meat as before already has a great impact on health and environment!

Film recommendations
Food Inc. - a 2008 documentary, also as DVD
Forks over Knives (2011)

Internet recommendations
57 benefits of going vegan
20 Health Benefits of Going Vegan, According to Science (+6 Delicious Vegan Recipes)

Book recommendations
Joseph Keon: Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health
Please read this important note on health subjects.